Please contact your Teacher of the Deaf first and foremost if you feel your child needs SLT. Main provision should be provided by the NHS (for under school-aged children, and Education through Surrey CC for school aged children).

We at the Surrey Deaf Children Society recognise that there is a need for Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) for our Hearing Impaired children that is not always met on a national level.

Because of this, we offer a course of Speech Therapy sessions from a private speech therapist that is experienced with working with Hearing Impaired children and understands the issues they face. If you would like to use this service we would ask that you read these guidelines first and follow them while you are engaged in the course of Speech Therapy. These guidelines have been drawn up through discussion with the various professionals who are involved in the language development of our Hearing Impaired children.

Please note – in order to qualify for Speech therapy, parents need to be SDCS members. Your child has to be under 18 years old and have a permanent hearing loss (unfortunately glue ear cases can not be considered due to financial restraints).


  • Any therapy is based on an initial assessment. The therapist will confirm with you after this first visit whether your child is eligible for therapy.
  • It is in the best interest for your child that all professionals know that you are using the services of a Private Speech and Language Therapist, for example, the NHS/Surrey therapist and your Teacher of the Deaf. This ensures that communication about your child’s progress and needs can take place and effective therapy can ensue.
  • The provision of a Private Speech therapist is not only for the child’s benefit but also for the benefit of the parents – to observe what the therapist does during the session, so that you can continue the same exercises at home throughout the week. It is therefore vital that you stay with your child for the duration of the visit, so that your child makes maximum progress during therapy.
  • Due to financial considerations, therapy sessions are to be offered in blocks. We can offer a 6 week block of therapy at a time (either weekly or fortnightly – as agreed by you and the therapist).
  • The plan is to have these blocks on a rolling term, to enable a fair approach for all children (new and existing). Therefore please bear in mind that these valuable sessions are not ongoing indefinitely.
  • You will not have to pay for the sessions, the therapist deals directly with the SDCS treasurer.
  • The therapist will visit your home for each 40 minute session (school visits can be arranged if agreed with the therapist and school).
  • We provide this therapy to supplement any NHS and Surrey Country Council Speech and Language therapy – and so this should not in any way be seen to replace any NHS/Education therapy offered.

As a committee we feel very fortunate that we can provide this service to our children in Surrey. Our main aim has always been to benefit families to communicate and help children in their crucial early years to get the best possible start (whether aurally or through sign). This therapy goes some way to assisting.

Please note: We also run BSL Family Signing courses throughout the year – please get in touch if you are interested in these too.

    Speech & Language Application Form

    This information will be shared with the private therapist, who may contact you directly. All fields are required.

    Your Details

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