Consultation on HI Pupil Placement Processes for Surrey
We are helping an independent consultant to gather information on the process of arranging secondary school places for HI children in Surrey.
If you have gone through this process or are going through it at the moment, would you be able to answer a few questions? This could help to improve the process for future families.
- What currently works well?
- What could be strengthened/improved to make transition from primary to secondary a more effective, transparent process?
- What, if anything, about the process needs to be re-thought, re-positioned, revised and is any of this currently being addressed?
- In your view, is there anything which does not assist or gets in the way of the effectiveness of the transition process? If so, please detail with examples if possible.
Any information given will be anonymised, but please let Gabi have contact details to pass on. Any more information you would like about this consultation, do email Gabi Stiles at
Responses are needed by 18th May 2015.