As part of Surrey’s SEND 2020 programme, Surrey’s Physical and Sensory Support Service is reviewing and refreshing its vision, making sure it responds to all national and local drivers as well as listening clearly to the voice of stakeholders. To help with this, the service would value your feedback on how it’s working for you. You can give your feedback by:

* Completing the online survey by 31st May at :

* Attending one of the three consultation events kindly hosted by three of our schools with specialist centres for sensory impairment. BSL interpreters will be available at these events:

11th May 2016 3.30 – 5.00pm
St Stephens C of E Primary School, Hunters Chase, South Godstone, RH9 8HR

12th May 2016 1.00 – 2.30pm
Auriol Junior School, Vale Road, Stoneleigh, KT19 0PJ

17th May 2015 5.30 – 7.00 pm
Sythwood Primary School, Horsell, Woking, GU21 3AX

It would be helpful if you could email if you plan to attend so that we have some idea of numbers.

* Emailing any thoughts about what PSS does well and what it can do better to:

Next Steps: In June and July the results of the consultation will be drawn up, alongside existing information from service evaluations and last academic year’s Hearing impairment review. A response will then be shared with all residents and stakeholders in September 2016.