Teens catch up at Prezzo (11yrs+)
Date: Saturday 5th October, 2019
Time: 7pm
Address: Prezzo 5-7 High Street, Epsom KT19 8DA
Cost: Only £5 each (non refundable booking fee)
Come along and meet up with old friends and make new ones! You can choose from the set menu on the night (2 or 3 course meal & drink)
Book your place by 28th September, 2019
When booking, please choose 1 ticket per young person attending.
To book: (always best on a laptop/pc rather than a phone!)
- Choose number of tickets
- Click on the PayPal button and pay for the tickets
- On ticket summary page, enter attendee information – then ‘save attendee information’
- Click ‘Checkout’ – on the bottom right of the page.
- Billing details – click ‘continue’, ‘continue’ (on next page) and then ‘confirm’. This will finalise your booking. Once your order has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email with tickets.
Any problem booking, or to check if your booking has gone through, contact Kris Harvey (flatcat4444@yahoo.com). Please so follow these instructions correctly first though, as I have tested them and they do work.
For further information about the event, contact Helen Le Page (helen-lepage@sky.com)
Please note: Parents can drop off and then pick up at approx 8:30pm