Come along and join us for the well-known PwC Panto. A great night out for the whole family!
Date: Friday 21st January, 2022
Time: 7.00pm (arrive from 6.40pm to collect tickets from us)
Cost: Free
Location: Peacock Theatre, Portugal St, London WC2A 2HT
Age: We recommend aged 5+
There is a BSL interpreter.
Those who have been before will know that this is a fantastic night out for all the family. It is provided for free by PWC and they usually provide sweets and soft drinks during the interval. We do not charge as it is free but you will need to make your own way to and from the venue (although families often meet on the way and travel together).
When booking please choose number of tickets to match the number of people in your family coming along.
Any questions, email: