This is event is open to Deaf children and their siblings. We have booked a 1 hour session.
Date and Time: Saturday 25th November, 11.00am-12.00pm
Age: This event is aimed at children aged 7 – 16, if you wish to bounce with your child please add one adult ticket to the booking, if not there is a cafe we will be watching from!
Location: Unit A4, Royal Mills, Sandown Industrial Park, Mill Road,, Esher, KT10 8BL
Cost: £5 per child
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to complete a waiver for each child via this link:
Bookings will close on Monday 30th October or sooner if all the places are booked.
If you have a genuine difficulty paying, please contact Charlotte Crutchington in confidence:
For further information about Jump In and its location please visit
Please note:
- SDCS events are a chance for families to meet other families and for the children to play with deaf peers and their siblings. We ask you interact with the group for our events to get the maximum benefit from being part of this community.
- For paid for events, if you do not turn up, you will need to pay the full ticket price.
- Children are the responsibility of their parents or carers at all times.